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Consolidated Edison Arthur Kill Generating Station

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The Arthur Kill Generating Station is a former Consolidated Edison oil- and gas-fired power plant located on Staten Island.

Arthur Kill — also known as Staten Island Sound — is the body of water that separates the New York City borough of Staten Island from mainland New Jersey and connects Newark Bay and Raritan Bay. The Arthur Kill Generating Station is located along this straight and withdraws cooling water from it.

The original 25-megawatt Unit 1 at the Arthur Kill site was put in place by Staten Island Edison in 1947, a time when Staten Island was mostly rural and no bridges yet connected it to greater New York. Staten Island Edison merged into Con Edison in 1952, and two additional Arthur Kill units followed in 1959 and 1969.

The Arthur Kill Generating Station today produces 810 megawatts. It was sold by Con Ed to NRG Energy in 1999 as part of a divestiture plan.

There have been ongoing concerns about the environmental impacts of the powerhouse on marine wildlife. The facility takes about 713 million gallons per day of cooling water from Arthur Kill, which is then returned to the tidal straight through a 900-foot canal. Environmental groups have charged that the antiquated “once through cooling” system found on older plants such as Arthur Kill not only kills large numbers of fish upon intake, but also alters surrounding ecosystems due to the warmer water it discharges.

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