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Erie Forge And Steel Company

Did you work at Erie Forge And Steel Company? Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

You may be entitled to receive compensation. Mesothelioma and lung cancer victims & their families have been awarded over $1 million+ from easy access to funds. Call us today to apply.

(212) 681-1575 LIVE CHAT

Over the past 20 years, we've helped 1,000s of families claim the compensation they deserve with no upfront costs to them.

The Erie Forge and Steel Company was created in 1903 in Erie, Pennsylvania. During World War I, Erie Forge and Steel Company produced gun forgings and destroyer shafts for the US Navy. The Navy expanded the forge and machine shop to a much larger operation in 1917. In its prime, the Erie Forge and Steel Company employed 1,600 laborers. In the late 1960s, the National Forge Company purchased the plant and began producing propulsion shafts for Navy ships and submarines. In 1989, Erie Forge and Steel Company was sold to National Forge employees. Currently, the company is named Erie Forge and Steel, Inc.

Many of our clients who worked at Erie Forge and Steel Company are being diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma and lung cancer. Workers utilized hot tops for producing steel which were coated with asbestos mortar, brick, or asbestos insulating boards. Each time an ingot or steel mold was created, the asbestos insulating boards became ash. The ashes were then blown away with an air hose, a process that caused copious amounts of asbestos dust to be emitted into the air and inhaled by employees.

At Belluck Law, our nationally recognized asbestos attorneys have extensive experience fighting for families and workers exposed to asbestos. We are proud to have secured more than $1 billion so far for asbestos victims and their families.

We are ready to help you. Contact us today to set up a free consultation, where we will review your claim and discuss all your legal options. Our law firm does not charge any legal fees upfront and we do not get paid unless and until we secure compensation for you.

We put clients first. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer, we are here to help.

Call (212) 681-1575

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