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LILCO E.F. Barrett Power Station

Did you work at LILCO E.F. Barrett Power Station? Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

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The E.F. Barrett Power Station in Hempstead, New York is a natural gas and oil-fired steam electric-generating plant. It is located near the Village of Island Park in Barnums Channel just north of Barnum Island and west of Shell Harbor.

The power station contains two steam units and 12 combustion turbines that collectively generate up to 480 megawatts of power. The steam units became operational in 1956 and 1963 and the turbines began working between 1970 and 1971.

The Barrett Power Station is owned by Long Island Power Authority and operated by Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) in New Jersey. It was originally built and owned by the Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO).

Years of Operation: 1956-Present
Address: Hempstead, New York

Lilco New York Locations:

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