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Rochester Gas & Electric Beebee Station

Did you work at Rochester Gas & Electric Beebee Station? Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

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Beebee Station is an out-of-service coal-fired power plant located in Rochester, New York.

It opened in 1892, began winding down operations in 1984, and save for certain auxiliary functions such as the certification of equipment and the maintenance of a distribution substation, became non-operational in 1999. Two of the plant’s three smokestacks were demolished in 2007 and the last smokestack was torn down in 2013.

Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) had been in talks for a decade with land developers who wanted to turn the facility into an entertainment district. In the United States there’s been a trend towards readapting shuttered coal plants for commercial space, and there was strong public sentiment in favor of such a move for Beebee. RG&E, however, favored demolition and applied for the appropriate permits in November 2013.

RG&E plans to remove all buildings and structures on the site and turn it into open space. Before that can be done, hazardous materials that include asbestos and lead paint must be remediated. The target to complete all work is October 2016.

Years of Operation: 1892-1999
Address: Rochester

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