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Rochester Gas & Electric Ginna Nuclear Station

Did you work at Rochester Gas & Electric Ginna Nuclear Station? Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

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The Robert E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant has continuously operated since 1970. The plant, located on the southern shore of Lake Ontario in Wayne County, New York is one of the oldest nuclear reactors still operating in the U.S.

On January 25, 1982 a steam generator tube ruptured, releasing a small amount of radioactive steam. It took workers approximately 93 minutes to repair the leak, which led to a site emergency being declared by company officials. The accident focused a great deal of local and national attention on the plant because it occurred soon after the accident at Three Mile Island.

Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) replaced the original steam generators in 1996, resulting in the facility’s rating being upgraded by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The plant’s operating license, which was originally set to expire in 2009, was extended another 20 years.

RG&E owned and operated the Ginna plant until 2004, when it was sold to Constellation Energy. Exelon, Constellation’s parent company, now owns and operates the facility, although RG&E still purchases power generated at Ginna.

There were concerns that Ginna would have to close due to financial losses brought about by hydrofracking, an extraction technique that provides cheap natural gas to gas-burning power plants, but in 2014 the Public Service Commission ordered RG&E to negotiate a plan with Exelon to keep the plant running.

Years of Operation: 1970-2004
Address: Wayne County

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