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Rochester Gas & Electric Russell Station

Did you work at Rochester Gas & Electric Russell Station? Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

You may be entitled to receive compensation. Mesothelioma and lung cancer victims & their families have been awarded over $1 million+ from easy access to funds. Call us today to apply.

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The first power generation unit at Rochester Gas & Electric’s Russell Station was constructed in 1948. Eventually four coal-fired units were built on the shores of Lake Ontario near Rochester, New York with the last one completed in 1957. At its peak the facility generated 253 megawatts of power. Operations at Russell station ceased in 2008.

Rochester Gas & Electric has announced plans to demolish all of the structures and buildings sitting on the Russell Station site as well as to remove all equipment, roads and paved surfaces. It will also close off the part of the cooling water intake system that runs to the outer wall of the station from Lake Ontario.

The goal is to remove all plant structures and infrastructure up to three feet below grade and decontaminate and abandon-in-place deeper structures. The site’s two electric yards, transmission substation, and groundwater treatment and collection system will remain.

After the site has been rid of toxic substances such as heavy metals and asbestos and demolition activities are finished, Rochester Gas & Electric plans to cover the area with topsoil and seed it. Additional plans include installing new lighting and fencing, repaving remaining access roads, and improving site drainage. The work completion target is late 2016.

Years of Operation: 1948 – 2008
Address: Rochester, New York

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