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St. Mary’s School for The Deaf

Did you work at St. Mary’s School for The Deaf? Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

You may be entitled to receive compensation. Mesothelioma and lung cancer victims & their families have been awarded over $1 million+ from easy access to funds. Call us today to apply.

(212) 681-1575 LIVE CHAT

Over the past 20 years, we've helped 1,000s of families claim the compensation they deserve with no upfront costs to them.

St. Mary’s School for the Deaf was the first academic school for the deaf that was founded in the United States. The school began in 1853 on Edward Street in Buffalo, New York. It is currently located on Main Street. St. Mary’s School for the Deaf continues to provide the deaf and hard of hearing from all eight counties of Western New York with an education that applies the latest audiological, medical, social, developmental and psychological knowledge to learning.

Unfortunately, many of our clients who worked at St. Mary’s School for the Deaf are now being diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma and lung cancer. Before the 1970s, asbestos pipe covering, gaskets, packing material, block insulation, and insulating cement coated the heating systems at St. Mary’s. Boilers, valves, and pipes were coated with asbestos materials that would fly into the air when agitated and be inhaled by laborers. The boiler rooms in particular were hot beds for asbestos inhalation as they were poorly ventilated.

We put clients first. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer, we are here to help.

Call (212) 681-1575

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