Over $30B In Trust Funds Are Available For Mesothelioma Victims & Their Families - Click Here To Claim Your Share

Pamela, Lawrence & Michael

This has been a long time coming… My family and I would like to convey our sincere and heartfelt thanks for all you have done for us in the last four years.

I realize that this case is nearly settled and it is time for me to move on. I thank all of you for the many hours of hard work you put into John´s case. It must be so rewarding to know that someone was compensated for the negligence and deceit in knowingly allowing Asbestos products to be sold and used.

Watching John die was an experience I would not wish to anyone. He was a healthy and very active man up until his diagnosis of Mesothelioma. I´m sure we would have shared many more blissful years together if he had not contracted this terrible disease.

There is no amount of money that can replace what we could have shared as a loving and happy couple. I feel blessed to have had the 43 years of companionship with John and know that there are many couples that never get to experience all we had. I am blessed with two wonderful sons, their terrific wives and four fantastic grandchildren who all live nearby. Life is still good!

Please keep doing what you are doing knowing that what you are doing is a worthwhile cause. Down here in Florida it is “save the Manatee” and “save the turtles”. I have to laugh at that. We need to find a way to save men and women that lose their lives from a disease that cold have been prevented.

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