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Asbestos Mesothelioma Victim James Desalvo. New York Asbestos Law Firm : (212) 681-1575


Free Consultations: (212) 681-1575

James DeSalvo:

I just was amazed, I was just a kid, you know and all of a sudden I'm here, I'm working in a motorcycle shop. I might have only been sweeping the floor at first but then they gradually let me come in the back and I had a good friend in there who took me under his wing as an apprentice, Ray his name was. He helped me start to build different, you know do what they call the top end, valve jobs and of course the most of what you were doing there you'd be doing these brake jobs and clutch jobs.

That was the main stay, which again, involved taking these clutches out, blowing everything all out to clean everything, dust was going everywhere and you're breathing it in. And similarly with the brakes, you'd take the brakes off, blow the brakes out, sand them all down on the inside. The brakes, the shoes, you'd take the shoe itself, the lining on it you'd take it over to a grinder and you'd put a chamfer on the edge so that it wouldn't strip the covering, I mean the brake lining. And you'd do this on all of the brakes.

Well you'd cut it and weld it and if it was welded pipe or screwed pipe you'd be putting screwed pipe together. If you had to repair something you would go in if you had to like change a piece of pipe you might take off the covering.

Lots of times it would be hard packed white looking substance that I am pretty sure had asbestos in it and it would be put on, wired on and then covered. Most of the covering would be very similar to the jackets that I have little loops on them that are wired together. And they are made out of, as far as I know, they are made out of asbestos. And in order to get at parts that we would need to get at you would have to remove some of these jackets.

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At Belluck Law, we focus on mesothelioma cases, holding negligent companies accountable for the pain and suffering they inflicted on their unsuspecting employees.

There is no mesothelioma case that we've handled where we have been unable to achieve some compensation for our clients.

We are able to get high levels of compensations for our clients by putting in the extra work, knowing our clients and figuring out other exposures that they had to maximize the compensation that we are able to recover for them.

If you have any questions you can call us at (212) 681-1575.


New York City Office
Belluck Law, LLP
546 5th Ave, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 681-1575

Clifton Park, NY Office
Belluck Law, LLP
646 Plank Rd
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Phone: (518) 621-2699

Woodstock, NY Office
Belluck Law, LLP
52 Laura Lane
Woodstock, NY 12498
Phone: (845) 684-4001

Rochester, NY Office
Belluck Law, LLP
160 Linden Oaks Drive
Rochester, NY 14625
Phone: (585) 285-4070

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